Calling planted plants "cultivated", rather than just "planted" is confusing

It could have sense. Also in Italian “cultivated” could be mistaken for “commonly cultivated” and possibly “planted” could better encompass also those native species that can also be found as cultivated plants.

It is not a bug. The algorithm is somehow efficient (in my opinion, it does not work all the time) and overzealous at the same time as it is always for algorithms (think about posts that are censored in social media during the last months…). If ever, it is somehow fault of those who, mostly in good faith, mistake iNaturalist for iGardener and post tons of non-wild stuff.
Yes, it is a “double-edged sword” since it could make casual the observation of a plant that is seen as an escapee for the first time in a given area.

I completely agree. We have millions of observations of “wild organisms”. It is better to “lose” some uncertain obs than keeping them and risking to make data unreliable.
NB: many posters do not reply at all. I think that they even do not suspect that there is a community beyond the app they have just discovered.


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