Can I, through the API, readout the stripped EXIF information of Photos?

Similar thread here:
And related GitHub issue here:

It seems like that’s unlikely to be added to the API, but here is an example of parsing that info from the web page:

Example output for the photo you linked:

    'Aperture value': '10.0',
    'Artist': 'Per Hoffmann Olsen',
    'Attribution': '© Per Hoffmann Olsen some rights reserved',
    'Bits': '8',
    'Copyright': 'Per Hoffmann Olsen',
    'Date time': '2022-06-19T20:21:47+02:00',
    'Date time digitized': '2022-06-19 18:34:30 -0700',
    'Date time original': '2022-06-19 18:34:30 -0700',
    'Exposure bias value': '0/1',
    'Exposure mode': '0',
    'Exposure program': '3',
    'Exposure time': '1/200',
    'F number': '10/1',
    'Flash': '9',
    'Focal length': '100/1',
    'Focal plane resolution unit': '3',
    'Focal plane x resolution': '91421943/32768',
    'Focal plane y resolution': '91421943/32768',
    'GPS altitude': '357.31',
    'GPS altitude ref': '\x00',
    'GPS date stamp': '2022:06:19',
    'GPS latitude': '48.133698333333335',
    'GPS latitude ref': 'N',
    'GPS longitude': '16.239735',
    'GPS longitude ref': 'E',
    'GPS map datum': 'WGS-84',
    'GPS status': 'A',
    'GPS time stamp': '[(16/1), (29/1), (36/1)]',
    'GPS version': '\x02\x03\x00\x00',
    'Height': '1080',
    'Iso speed ratings': '2000',
    'Make': 'Canon',
    'Max aperture value': '3/1',
    'Metering mode': '5',
    'Model': 'Canon EOS M50',
    'Pixel x dimension': '1920',
    'Pixel y dimension': '1080',
    'Resolution unit': '2',
    'Scene capture type': '0',
    'Shutter speed value': '1/199',
    'Software': 'Adobe Photoshop 2022 Windows',
    'Source': 'iNaturalist',
    'Subsec time': '14',
    'Subsec time digitized': '14',
    'Subsec time original': '14',
    'Uploaded by': 'per-hoffmann-olsen',
    'White balance': '1',
    'Width': '1920',
    'X resolution': '300/1',
    'Y resolution': '300/1',