Can you link different observations

I posted multiple observations of the same plant, both in flower and in fruit. The flower and fruit pictures were taken at different times. The guidelines say that I should post them as different observations. Having both fruits and flowers could strengthen usefulness of the observations, and also make it easier or more certain to identify it. Some plant species (e.g. in the carrot family) require both fruit and flower for certain identification. I’ve searched for a way to do this, but can’t find it. Similarly I took a habitat shot of a plant one day and two days later collected one plant for detailed photography. I posted them together as one observation, stretching the same time criterion a bit. If I followed the guidelines the plant in habitat could never be identified for certain, but it would be useful to see them all together.

A clunky but simple way to link them is just to post all the links in the Description of each one. I think there’s a more elegant way to do it – someone will recall what that is.

I really like that the iNaturaist project “Hermit Crab Homes” will add an observation field to link a related observation.

I’d been wondering if there was a project for duplicate observations (either over time, or same organism uploaded by different people) that would provide that observation field or a way to get that field without a project at all

See this thread: Using the field “Similar Observation Set” for linking observations.


This is what I use, and it works very well! I’ve used it to link gall insect with host plant as well.

For your galls
Tony has a project for that

Although this project was designed on iSpot for southern Africa, it is open to anyone. Please feel free to contribute.

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A big thank you to those who suggested the solution. I have figured it out and will use it in the future.

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