The pop-up is clear that the identifier is considering the evidence provided, not making a judgement whether or not it is definitely is that species. That is, it could be that species, but the evidence provided is insufficient to confirm.
Although the corresponding ID after clicking the orange button would say at the bottom “bouteloua disagrees this is Actaea pachypoda”, that part is incorrectly phrased and I’m surprised the staff have not yet addressed it, considering how much confusion and bad feelings this can cause.
It should instead read, “bouteloua disagrees with the ID Actaea pachypoda”. The latter phrasing covers both cases: it may be that I disagree that it’s that species at all, or that I think an ID to that species is not possible based on the evidence. Or as suggested above, the ID should just say all that, and not worry about being long-winded - “bouteloua disagrees this is Actaea pachypoda or does not believe there is enough evidence to confirm this is Actaea pachypoda”