How to act on RG observations that lack evidence for the community ID

I think the disagreeing higher level IDs are very confusing. If somebody adds one of those (orange button) on something, I interpret that as a vote against the species ID that was on that observation before, as in: “It most definitely is NOT that species but has to be something else in that genus.”

Having been on the receiving end of such disagreeing higher level IDs, I can tell you in the majority of cases the identifier did not actually mean to disagree. If I ask: “What makes you rule out that species?” It turns out in most cases they actually agree it could be that species but they would need more evidence (e.g. additional pictures) before confirming the ID to make it research grade. That’s fine but in those cases they should have pressed the green button instead of the orange one when adding their higher level ID. Apparently the wording on those buttons and what each option does is confusing to a lot of people.