Thanks for the feedback… and I agree maintaining the data is the big challenge therefore I think we should try to do this in a structured way and I think if iNaturalist connects to more communities like Wikidata errors will be found faster
- I found today potential duplicates in iNaturalist
- 122711 and 146653
- 56774 and 70430
- SPARQL finding duplicates
I did a map of protected areas in Wikidata and we have > 83000 and just 83 are connected to iNaturalist see map below (you can filter upper right)
same map but WDPA World Database on Protected Areas --> of > 39000 just 67 was connected with iNaturalist so I feel it is a potential but I guess best is if this is done in a structured way and also that iNaturalist starts point back on Wikidata / World Database on Protected Areas and in the Swedish case also the official source for the data (Swedish Environmental protection agency has property P3613 in Wikidata --> map and as you saw they have data about the area so that I guess is a good match… the challenge I start seeing in Wikidata is that we have > 4000 external identifiers (same query but just properties someone think is related to taxons) and we need better communication with organisations like the Swedish Environmental protection agency
- easy way to report errors in data or ask question
- get helpdesk id
- best is if they have a public backlog (compare Wikidata)
- get notified when they publish new things (in Phabricator we easy subscribe track/comment everything see Wikidata change stream and my change stream as just an WD volontaire)
I have worked with international money transactions and then we had a fast easy way of communicate if Bank of America didnt receive 100 million $ … maybe a name change on a protected area is not so urgent for most people but I guess you need an infrastructure and a mentality that I miss today when Wikidata connect external identifiers… I did a draft of middle layer between Wikidata and the datasource to make needed communication easier and also having a database for changing differences in data… see T251225#6105481
Update: had an email conversation today with "Swedish Environmental Protection Agency “Naturvårdsverket” and they will open a web called data for developers so all input what we would like to see is welcome…