Creative ways to use iNaturalist

I don’t know if this is particularly creative, but there is something I enjoy doing with iNat observations, although I suppose it works best for plants. I call it “naturalist’s geocaching”

Put simply, you search up interesting species near you, check the location, and then go out to that location and try to find it. Technically, one doesn’t even need an iNat account or have to make observations since you just use Explore mode. Nice thing about plants is they generally stay in one spot: even annuals will reseed at or near their location (otherwise how would they have grown there in the first place?).

Of course, one will need to take into consideration when a plant is in bloom or most likely to be seen, but besides that I find that even non-iNatters find it a lot of fun. I once tracked down a cool Krameria species that was observed the year before by another user. I later took several people out on a “plant geocaching expedition” to refind it. Although it was a bit past prime bloom season and the mowing didn’t help, we managed to find it again.

Also, it’ll often reveal a lot of cool things that are right in your area, so you don’t have to go out anywhere far or to some trail or something. The main limitation is just seasonality!