Disruptive taxon splits: a better system to manage the aftermath?

The explicit disagreement can’t be retained in the current system for the example he is referencing because the disagreement system doesn’t distinguish between specific taxon disagreements and entire branch disagreements.

If the disagreement is retained, then it says:
ID by pfau_tarleton: tribe Anemoneae (explicit disagreement with A. caroliniana), then that means he’s also disagreeing with Anemone (genus) – which definitely wouldn’t be what he intended. More info here https://forum.inaturalist.org/t/inactive-taxon-taxon-split-glitch/9804/8

Would be great to have more robust searching of one’s own identifications / observations so that they can be reviewed more easily. Something like review your IDs affected by this taxon change which brought you to a filtered Identify page so you could run through them quickly.