Do you have a favorite photo?

Lots, though a couple spring to mind -

Just a katydid casually chowing down on a mantis -

That time I hit a fish with my car (warning: gross/yuck) -

Flies can be real stupid -



Here are some of mine:

The first of three dragonflies to land directly on my vest that day.
The second snake Iā€™ve ever seen in the wild. It was hiding under the rocks for so long I almost gave up on getting a good picture.
This example of two stages of mushroom development. Iā€™m amazed by how pristine they are.
An unexpected, exotic insect.
And this lucky side-on shot of a jellyfish.

That is a great mantis pic! Iā€™d never expect an insect that big would be happy in an urban environment.

Iā€™m surprised nobody erroneously IDed it as ā€œwater moccasin.ā€ That seems to be what everyone assumes any snake in the water is ā€“ even people far outside the moccasinā€™s range.

Whoa! Never get rid of that vest! 3 dragonflies in one day :flushed:. So cool.

So far while being part of this wonderful community my current favorite is of a dragonfly. I absolutely find them fascinating. Not to mention they have been around for 350 million years. Says something about their adaptability and almost considered living fossils. Also they are voracious predators eating mosquitoes :mosquito: and many other insects for population control. Plus Alaska as the Four Spotted Simmer as their state insect. My pic come from a trip to Potterā€™s Marsh on June 6, 2020. Itā€™s a beautiful color gold looking very much amber.


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