Out of all the 98,370,670 observations on iNat 1 in particular has to be your favorite.
So take some time and go and find your favorite or favorites
For me it will have to be - Kea
by benweatherley iNaturalist
Out of all the 98,370,670 observations on iNat 1 in particular has to be your favorite.
So take some time and go and find your favorite or favorites
For me it will have to be - Kea
by benweatherley iNaturalist
This cuckoo wasp by @nbdragonflyguy https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/102410641
I’ve said it before - I’ve learned so much from iNat about diversity of wasps. Green wasps, who would’ve thought!?
I love the contrasting color of this one https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/35658962. But my other favorite is definitely the goose one… I’m sure someone will post that link!
Nope, too many choices and too many not yet seen, and my favorite can change day to day.
I know it looks like i’m not doing anything but this is actually me being very mature and not posting a link to Gerald.
I’ve seen lots of amazing photos here, so it’s hard to choose just one! What I can say for certain though is that this Indian Lily Moth was one of the first photos to come to mind when I saw this thread. I adore any photo where you can clearly see the facial features of an insect. Something about it, at least for me, serves as a reminder that they’re little creatures with lives just like we are. Photos like this just make me appreciate them even more. Not only that, but this is one of my favorite species which only makes me love it even more!
It’s super hard to choose just one of the amazing photos I’ve seen on iNat, but one that comes to mind is this one of the jumping spider mimic flies by @kueda
another more recent one that comes to mind is the rubber ducky wolf spiders by @squidpastry
Five years later, this one of a bird people-watching still takes the prize for me.
By the way, if you want to see what the whole iNat community thinks, try this link:
Hard to say, this is probably near the top.
It is so hard to choose only one but this one is really good: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/103356401
THE Lappet: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/9211992
This was the photo that I was looking at when, after eye surgery, my brain’s vision system ticked over from lifelong monocular to newly binocular. Plus, excellent moth photo in any case :)
What!!! Is that real?! Unbelievable!!!
Wowwww!!! Those flies are amazing!!
And that rubber duck picture is one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen.
This photo of a wolf from Israel - https://inaturalist.ca/observations/9728879. Mostly because I had no idea Grey Wolves were in Israel.
And this one from Greg Lasley - https://inaturalist.ca/observations/9686530. Again, because of how far south this Owl was seen. Even seeing them in Winnipeg is south for them.
I like this shrew opossum https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/32407222
I’m too fickle for one favorite, but I always enjoy photos of amazing plants I’ve never heard of before, like these: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/105049164
Water monkey too https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/60167009
That shrew (sorry, opossum) looks terrified