Hi. I just found some dodgy images, and seek advice what to do. I flagged them up, but I am worried a kid might see them since I do not know how to hide them.
Does this stuff happen quite a lot or am I just the unlucky one?
It is pretty uncommon in my experience. Most bad images I have seen are either pranks (plastic bugs, deliberate misidentifications, etc.) or copyright violations.
Please email help@inaturalist.org and we can remove them if necessary.
Things that explicit aren’t super common. You can also flag for copyright infringement to remove the photo for everyone except curators.
I am afraid I do not use email, but It should definitely be removed! It is very explicit
I could link the profile of said user, but I feel that would not be a good idea
I flagged the pictures as copyright infringement to remove them from public view. The user should probably be suspended, too. @tiwane, look for flags that milodoingstuff created.
Not sure, probably best to just let iN staff handle this.
I deleted the photos, thanks for bringing it to our attention.
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