Does anyone else get bothered by how many observations are marked as "unknown species"?

There’s an old saying - You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink. I’m not sure how iNat is commonly used in Education, but perhaps if a pass/fail grade was based on at least a rough ID it might motivate students more? I’m just thinking out loud here.
There is an interesting thread here - Long term student engagement with iNaturalist (what students do after the class is over) - Educators - iNaturalist Community Forum. I remember my own student days though, and if I didn’t like something and was forced to take it, I just didn’t do the work!
It is also worth keeping in mind that there a great number of fantastic young people on iNat who know more than an old fart like me.
I look at students like you mentioned as I do the weather - I may not like it, but there’s not much I can do about it! As I’ve said above, iNat is an open platform, so this sort of stuff is just like the weather.