Does anyone have any nature-related songs/making an animation w/foxes

I’m new to iNaturalist and just joined for fun since I really love animals. I’ve got a question for you all: do you know any chill nature songs or tunes that give off a nostalgic vibe? They don’t have to have any words, but I’d love stuff with acoustic guitar or just a laid-back feel. My fave animal is a fox, and I’m making some animations, so I’m looking for good songs to use. If you’ve got any ideas, please let me know—thanks!


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also if you have any pointers on how to make the style more realistic but still have it be cartoon that would be good

thanks @annkatrinrose! (unfortunately I cant post any more replies because I just joined today so that is why I am editing this response.)

I’m not an animator so I don’t have any great tips but I’m a sucker for cute animal animations and think your fox is very cute! You might enjoy this animation featuring a fox, maybe as further inspiration:

The music for the video is an original score and was also posted separately:

My fellow iNatter, I humbly posit you are looking for this:

The Paper Kites, Woodland (link is to the song, on YouTube).

Although you also have to consider Fleet Foxes, White Winter Hymnal (same sort of link), given the animation!

I do have a few, but I am wondering if they would work. Will this be a film about a fox, or simply an animation of a running fox without a plot or anything?

its more like short videos with plots
honestly any music is good, the running animation was just a test

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I suggest this one:


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What about The Fox by Ylvis? (What does the fox say)