Encouraging a sense of scale in photos

That’s a good point, and I’ll be sure to do so. Haven’t really had time to sit down and upload since I started using the thumbnail, so it’s just been relevant for keying things out myself.

I know that NOVA 3.0 is using an app called handy ruler making a lineaal appearing in the photo but i can not find it in the manual

The app Handy Ruler https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.calmatics.ruler&hl=nl

Announcement Handy Ruler in the Release Notes of Nova 3.0 https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/nova-oecologica/nuQmmLyLolc



Vanuit NOVA 3 kan de externe app " Handy Ruler " worden gestart. Met deze app kun je nauwkeurig de maat nemen. Je wordt de eerste keer in NOVA automatisch doorgeleid naar de Play Store om deze app te installeren.

For living critters (as opposed to snail shells, for example), my strategy is that first of all I try to get the best photos I can from as close as I can, from multiple angles. Only then (if the critter allows), will I take my little ruler out (always in my wallet) or add a finger as scale in a photo. The latter is typically a crap photo from a wider distance, as its purpose is just to show relative size (e.g.: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/30478436 ; https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/30480937). If the critter flees in the meantime, I try to remember to note down an estimate of the size in the observations. For some groups (e.g. European butterflies and odonata), ID seems not to require size information, just good photos, so I don’t bother.


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