I just tried to compare how well Web, Old and Next are suitable for ID purposes. I downloaded and installed v0.56.0+131.
My settings are Casual+Needs_ID, Categories Unknown, Place=world (doesn’t work in Old because the map can’t be unzoomed to show the whole world), Sort by Date added ascending, Date Added=2023-06-08 (in Old: impossible, I used Date observed there, but this doesn’t matter much), unreviewed.
This works fine in the Web version, and the Old version is slow but usable. Both contain a few microbes which I just ignore.
In Next, it shows me only microbes (i.e. exactly those which I don’t want). Idk if I’m using Next wrong, if this is a bug or if it is the intended behavior.
Screenshots: 1=Old, 2=Next, 3=Web