Flocks of American Robins

In the past week or so, I’ve seen large (30+) flocks of American Robins around. I’ve heard some folks say that they have seen much larger flocks further south. I have never seen Robins in flocks like this, and was wondering if this is something I’ve just missed, or if others have seen this for some time. Usually they show up here (Winnipeg MB) in dribs and drabs, but this seems new. Curiosity!

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i don’t know about up in Canada, but i can confirm that down in Texas, they do hang out in large flocks sometimes.


I see them in large flocks up here in WA state, usually accompanied by other species aswell, like ceder waxwings and varied thrush. They can get quite rowdy in those big flocks

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there will usually be a day or a week every spring when there are large groups of robins moving steadily north foraging as they go - basically the large flocks seen to the south but diffused over a wider area and apparently separate. :)


In California, on the east coast of the US, and in Wisconsin, I’ve seen American Robins in flocks up to hundreds of individuals, but more often a few dozen, often enough that I don’t even notice. Only during the breeding season do I generally see them alone or in pairs.


I’ve seen it 3-4 times in the Dallas-Fort Worth region. One memorable one was on a hike in the Fort Worth Nature Reserve. Dozens and dozens of robins mixed with an equal number of waxwings along the bank of the west fork of the Trinity. That was an awesome experience.


My favorite Robin flock was descending on a crop of mountain ash near the summit of Catskill peak. Not a gigantic flock in that experience but memorable as dozens of noisy and hungry fall migrants landed out of the sky and fed on fruit in these low trees around my head. (followed by turdus please not on my headus m.)


I have always been used to seeing small flocks (two dozen at most), but last fall I was startled when a flock of around 200 stopped by my house here in New York. I haven’t seen anything similar this spring, but the typical flocks of a dozen or so passing by.


Thank you all! @mira_l_b

(followed by turdus please not on my headus m.)



Usually groups of 3-10 here in NS.


Not uncommon in New Mexico during late winter or spring and often in association with numerous Western and Mountain bluebirds.


That’s more what I’m used to. As I said before, these flocks seem abnormal to me, and I’ve lived here for a long time.


I’ve lived in Nova Scotia for many years, and had not seen more than 5 robins together until this spring. there were flocks of perhaps 40! They had a lovely time on a few early spring days, a week or two ago, but I have only seen an occasional one since. I’ve been curious too.


Here in Muskoka, central, Ontario, I haven’t seen large flocks of Robins as well (normally we saw 2 or 3 together), until this year. Yesterday there were over 20 together with 2 Hermit Thrushes.

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just found one of my older ebird lists noting a flock of 150


The flocks seem to have gone, but many more robins in the neighborhood than last year. Nice to hear their tuneless song in the morning again!


In August 2017, a flock of 10-15 visited my yard daily until they had cleared all the blueberry bushes. Anchorage, Alaska.

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