@sambiology inaturalist is incorporated into my college course this semester and your video is used as the introduction to inat! As soon as I saw your name I was like, “I know that guy! He helps me ID stuff!!!”
I am so excited right now. This will be a fun semester. Categorizing forms of life seems like it will be a focus, so hopefully it will make me much better at IDing unfamiliar stuff.
Thanks for sharing, much appreciated! A good example of the sense of community that iNaturalist helps build. Helps brings students, instructors, and enthusiasts together into a learning community that also documents the diversity of life on the planet.
Ha, I saw that project pop up in January and realized Dr. Rineer scooped me again. ;) I was playing with iNat for some of my RES students before the pandemic…I may yet roll it out for BIO 151 this semester, but I need to make a good keying exercise.
Haha! Beautiful! It’s one of my favorite parts of iNaturalist – it’s a social network and community of nature enthusiasts. Not only do I engage with nature when I use iNat, but I also engage with the community.
Let me know if you want me to sign any of your observations. ;)