How are Observations selected to be shown in a Project or search WRT physical location?

this is your place:

below is one of that user’s observations from the set of observations in your second link above. they all have the exact same coordinates, and most have positional accuracy value of 196m. (one has an even larger acc value of 732m.) that accuracy value is saying that the observation theoretically could have occurred anywhere within 196m of the point indicated by the coordinates. when you look at the map on the detail page for this observation, you see a pin which reflects the lat/long of the observation, plus a big circle around the pin, which reflects the positional accuracy.

below, i’ve overlaid the big circle on top of your place polygon, and you can see the circle exceeds the boundaries of the place, which means that it will not be found if you search for observations in that place/project.

if you want that user’s observations to be included in your project, you will need to either expand the boundaries of your place or ask the user to change the positional accuracy of those observations so that the whole circle will fall inside the boundaries of your place.

this is actually a common point of confusion. here’s something i wrote in another thread that will apply here (you can read the rest of that thread if you’re interested in more details):

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