How can I find my Needs ID Observations that have Identifications from others?

it’s possible to get this data, but i can’t think of a way to get a filtered list of such observations without some coding.

i’m not sure exactly how you plan to use such infomation, but it is possible to get a list of your needs ID observations, showing an identification count (anything >1 should be identified by others in most cases, since it looks like you almost always add an identification), and maybe that is enough for your purposes:

or maybe if you just want to find differences between your id and the observation id, you could also use a variant of the standard CSV export as a starting point. see:

if it’s not enough, then if you could describe a little more clearly why you want to get this information, i could probably guide you on how to modify a Jupyter notebook i made back in the day to get the information you’re looking for.