How do I 'explore' a geographic region?

I usually limit ‘explore’ to my province, but I would prefer to explore a wider region, for example, the Canadian maritime provinces plus the american state of Maine. Is there a way to filter ‘explore’ based on geography instead of political boundaries? I expect lots of iNat users encounter this issue, but I couldn’t find the answer in these forums.

I have discovered that I can Explore the counties here in Ohio around me by entering “Northeast Ohio”. I found this out just by accident by trying that phrase in the Location field.

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I think there is a way to do it. You may have to do some searching/experimenting.
I was trying to find a way to solve your issue. I stumbled upon this:
Click on the “Places of Interest” button on the map. It will expand a small window.

If you move your cursor over the text “COMMUNITY CURATED”, you will see a small black popup label. I added a pink arrow to point to that text.

This seems to indicate that these “Places” are created by users.

See attached screenshots.


Ha! Go to the “More” Menu. There is a “Place” menu selection on the top of the main page.
When you get to the Places web page, be sure to read the warning. It appears that users can create new Places. But, there is a warning when you click on the “Create a new place” button.

Best of luck!

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Thanks ken_ohio, that should work!

Here is something else. There is a big list of links as to how to search the Explore map here.

I am relatively new to iNat. I am trying to find out how to do things myself.

Here are the links from one post in that thread. The “Search for multiple places” might work.
(Wow. This is really good stuff!)

Search for multiple taxa
Search multiple taxa using a list
Search for single taxon by name, synonym, or common name
Search for observations that have no identifications
Search multiple places
Search by bounding box or circle
Search by location (positional) accuracy
Search by geoprivacy
Search for observations with or without media (photos, sounds)
Search by observation number (id)
Search by active identification(s)
Search for a user’s IDs
Search for observation field values
Search for Annotations
Search by Description, Tag, Name, Place
Project-related queries
Search for Observations from Seek app
Sort by Last Updated
Search by exclusions (not place, not taxon, not observer, etc.)


There is a “Maritimes Provinces of Canada” place: , as well as a “Maritimes Provinces of Canada, CA” place: Do either of those have the right boundaries for the provinces you are interested in? If so, you can type the place name into the space for “Place” (not “Location”) on Explore. I couldn’t find a place that includes those provinces plus Maine, though. Another option is to create a collection project, naming one of those places and Maine in the “Place” section of the project.

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