I cannot log in on iPhone XS

When I open iNaturalist on my iPhone XS, I’m asked to log in. When I do so, the login page opens again and again. The username and the password are correct as I can log in on my computer.
Can someone help?

I was having this same issue. It seemed to just resolve on its own after a few days.

Can you please send a screenshot of the log in page you are sent to to help@inaturalist.org? Have changed your account’s password, username, or something similar recently?

No, I did not change my passwords, username or …
Today it opened and did not even ask for the log in.
But now, when I choose photos from my phone, I can only choose one at a time, before I could choose up to four, before I came to the “next” page. I figured out, that I can than add an other photo, but it takes much more time.
If I will have the problem concerning the log in, I will send you a screenshot.

I’ve had this happen twice as well (iOS 13.1). As a workaround I’ve found that restarting the application (throw away the current screen) resolves the issue.

The lack of multiple image selection is a known deficiency with this update to get around a crash. Discussed here - https://forum.inaturalist.org/t/multiple-images-selection-in-gallery-disabled-in-latest-update-and-photo-metadata-not-being-read/7519/10