Several years ago in 2013, I created the Mediterranean place which was subsequently used for more than 40 projects! However yesterday as I was trying to slightly edit the border of this place I accidentally suppressed the border of the polygon! I am not able to redraw it nor re-upload it as a KML since its area is “lager than the state of Texas” which is a limitation for saving a new place.
As so much projects depend on this place please could a curator allow me to edit places without size limitations (I still have the KML file on my computer) so I can re-upload it.
If you haven’t had any private response to this yet from a curator, best to email for assistance. With luck the Mediterranean can be recovered!
I suspect a place the size of the Med will be too large even for curators to create. This will likely require site staff help. It is a holiday in the US today, so some patience is likely required.