Identification: agree or disagree?

Basically, the only monocot trees are palm trees. Pandanus forms monocot shrubs. There are a few wierd +/- woody monocots in Australia. Basically, if a tree doesn’t look like a palm tree and doesn’t have long, grass-like leaves, it’s a dicot. Don’t worry too much about mislabeling woody monocots as dicots – we’ll find them and get them back on the right track sooner or later.

You are not required to identify observations you find that are not Ficus auriculata. Confirming the correct observations of this species is a valuable service. Thank you.

If you don’t contribute a disagreeing identification to the misidentified Ficus observations, they will stay in the database under that name. That may become a nuisance for your research, but I suspect there is a way to download only Ficus auriculata observations that you have identified as such.

Update: I believe instructions for doing this are provided in this discussion: