#IdentiFriday is the happiest day of the week

i thought i’d take another snapshot of the results from https://jumear.github.io/stirfry/iNat_obs_counts_by_iconic_taxa to see how things stand a month after this year’s CNC. it looks like overall, we have a slightly less favorable RG to Verifiable ratio, but it’s a relatively small difference vs 3 months ago.

the percent of unknown vs all observations has also gone up relatively significantly, but i guess we’ll work that out over time…

today’s snapshot:

iNaturalist Observation Counts by Iconic Taxa

Iconic Taxon Verifiable R Grade % RG of V Needs ID % NID of V All Diff All-V % V of All
Mammals :monkey: 3,011,794 2,564,218 85.1 447,576 14.9 3,651,185 639,391 82.5
Birds :eagle: 19,934,198 18,813,705 94.4 1,120,493 5.6 21,887,141 1,952,943 91.1
Reptiles :snake: 3,127,486 2,859,637 91.4 267,849 8.6 3,334,825 207,339 93.8
Amphibians :frog: 1,910,208 1,580,014 82.7 330,194 17.3 2,012,975 102,767 94.9
Ray-Finned Fish :tropical_fish: 1,434,973 1,141,774 79.6 293,199 20.4 1,569,601 134,628 91.4
Mollusks :snail: 2,136,948 1,293,161 60.5 843,787 39.5 2,201,966 65,018 97.0
Insects :lady_beetle: 35,912,310 20,161,426 56.1 15,750,884 43.9 36,964,622 1,052,312 97.2
Arachnids :spider: 4,017,662 1,616,178 40.2 2,401,484 59.8 4,139,380 121,718 97.1
Other Animals :crab: 2,618,937 1,262,363 48.2 1,356,574 51.8 2,739,025 120,088 95.6
Plants :seedling: 57,829,806 34,461,024 59.6 23,368,782 40.4 66,944,222 9,114,416 86.4
Fungi :mushroom: 8,581,423 2,498,137 29.1 6,083,286 70.9 8,794,687 213,264 97.6
Chromista 189,059 89,214 47.2 99,845 52.8 194,686 5,627 97.1
Protozoa 211,066 57,302 27.1 153,764 72.9 215,557 4,491 97.9
Unknown 555,545 18,173 3.3 537,372 96.7 4,030,518 3,474,973 13.8
All :globe_with_meridians: 141,471,415 88,416,326 62.5 53,055,089 37.5 158,680,390 17,208,975 89.2

snapshot from March 2023: