#IdentiFriday is the happiest day of the week

I looked, but I knew zero of them. Not my climate unfortunately.

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Want to go virtual iNatting in Kenya? Counting down for #GSB22 cutoff and they only have about 10% at Research Grade. I have a thousand to look at, but you can filter for your preferred slice of biodiversity?


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I just finished going through my district’s Unknowns. Now I’m onto the national wide Portuguese Unknowns (around 280 pages, aka around 8400 observations).

One thing I wished was that iNat would give an alert for when someone adds photos to an observation you commented on. There are loads of unknowns that were submitted through the app without a photo (I believe most are not intentional). In those cases, I usually leave a comment asking if there are photos of that particular observation. But then, unless people comment saying that they just added photos, I have no way of knowing that the observation is no longer photo-less


An amazing idea right here. Maybe make it a feature request?

There is a related feature request that has been closed with a note suggesting that this may be in the works: https://forum.inaturalist.org/t/bump-observations-back-to-needs-id-if-photos-are-added/15242

I don’t get notified for ‘added photos’ but I do get notified when someone adds an ID, because the photo has been added. Achieves the same result for me?

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I tried, but I’m so clueless about African nature. Hope you can recruit local experts.

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That might work for recent observations, but older ones tend to stay unidentified because they don’t show up in people’s feeds

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@egordon88 Thank you for all the IDs on my observations lately. I know you’re not looking at me specifically I just happened to benefit from you looking over old insects.


Yes - I am still trying. But day by day low-hanging fruit is picked - and what is left waiting is HARD to move on!

But, if together we can find the right ID thanks to @robertarcher397, then I can apply it to next obs as they scroll past. 9 obs on iNat and counting …

Sarcophyte piriei - root parasite

PS your insect skills here? Only 100 waiting. (A few annotations and ‘Odonata’ is all I could add)
Kenya GSB Insecta

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Kenya appreciates your help


Hey, I can help with Unknowns! off to Kenya…

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I got inspired by the request and am going through spiders of Kenya right now and look what cool thing I found



See - that is why IDing Unknowns is so addictive. Not yet even the first Research Grade obs … zebra spider out of Africa!! Jenseits von Afrika …


I totally get that and if I ever run out of more specific taxons I feel comfortable with, I will go back to unknowns (I do them every now and then actually, but I am mostly active in the spider observations)


Hey, it’s Friday here! I salute all the hard-working identifiers out there, whether today or any other day of the week!

And I have been much heartened by a percentage I just calculated (assuming I calculated correctly!): Out of a total of 120,751,857 verifiable observations on iNat just now, only 381,733 were true Unknowns (meaning not State of Life nor those obscure little organisms that aren’t swept up anywhere else). That is 0.0032% of all verifiable observations. Frankly, that is a really, really small percentage. I, for one, am going to stop fretting so much over Unknowns.

(Although I am now addicted to giving general IDs to Unknowns in far-off lands, because it is so rewarding to see the resulting notifications rolling in.)


It’s already Saturday, but if someone wants to help with Kamchatka, lots of stuff there in need of ids https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/identify?place_id=13210

Replying to myself, because this makes me so happy!



Thats really amazing! Cool stuff

managed to damage some ligaments in my foot today in the woods when my leg found a hole hidden by the leaves…
i didn’t even stop to photograph the jellies and some kind of awesome bright orange peal type fungi (did not recognise it, would been new for me) as i hobbled out using hiking poles as crutches - I thought about stopping but was in too much pain to think thru it clearly
so i guess today I am just going to ID for others; not actually too happy about that LOL but i’m bored and what else is there to do when i’m hobbled up xD its friday somewhere, right?