#IdentiFriday is the happiest day of the week

The Flora of the Southeastern United States now lists four species in genus Phytolacca. However, two are “rare waifs” and the remaining one (P. rigida) is treated as a variety on iNat. If that ever gets split out, it’s going to be another “easy” plant ID made more difficult by splitting, but so far that hasn’t happened yet.


Ugh well that’s disappointing. I’ll have to go back and review the ones I’ve ID’d.

Is there a way to see all the “unknown” observations? Would love to tackle those but can’t find how to search for them.

use the search parameter



and add


to get the true unkowns



how do you find that? I keep seeing that have ID’s when I search for unknowns on the ID page

Add &identified=false to the URL and it will only show you the ones that are “true” unknowns.

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I do that and have results with ID’s on them. Some of the ID’s are jsut “state of matter life” but still

Life to annotate for galls?
But it is still Unknown.

That’s weird - it works for me. I only get the “state of matter” etc. when I pick iconic taxa unknown, but not when I add identified=false. What is the URL you’re using?


gets me no results, if I remove &identified I get all the stuff that’s been id’d

This link works for me. I see over 17,000 pages of results. If you have a default place setting, try removing that–maybe you really have looked at all your local ones. Or the other possibility is that the link is loading too slowly over your internet connection. iNat has this silly practice of showing you the same message regardless of whether there are truely no results or just no results loaded.


I had a look at your observation and could confirm two and further ID one. My guess why they did not get confirmed yet is that they are from the more difficult to ID orchid groups (Dactylorhiza, Epipactis…) where you really have to know your field marks (and they have to be visible in the photo) or you need to know which species can possibly occur in this area to exclude species. Those groups are outside my current confidence level and might have to wait for true experts that can differentiate those minutae.
Also, without flowers (only leaf) observations of orchids are truly tricky to ID and might not even reach Genus if there are several possibilities.


Many thanks!

I know the Pre Maverick Projekt for cleaning up my own oberservations if my ID was wrong compared to the community consens (AI guesswork), but does anybody have a nifty URL for finding IDs from other people where I am the maverick or might soon become? I am afraid that I might oversee notifications that my initial guesses in Unknowns might be wrong and I forget to withdraw them.

[quote=“fseichter, post:1836, topic:26908”]
nifty URL for finding IDs from other people where I am the maverick
[/quote] replace my name. We were hoping that iNat would offer a formal pre-maverick option but nada.


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Lately I’ve been doing IDs for old plant obs from South Korea. There are a lot of easily identifiable photos that have never been been IDed lower than Plant/FloweringPlant/Dicot.
Identify URL for ones I’m IDing
Observations I’ve IDed but are still Needs ID
There are a lot of the same genera over there as in eastern USA. I’m not familiar with all the species there so I’m leaving my IDs at genus level except for cases where there is only one species it could be or in the case of plants from eastern USA that have been introduced into South Korea. Also Potentilla indica vs Potentilla hebiichigo which have both been introduced into eastern USA.


I tried to do some Asian “Plantae to Mono/Dicots” bin to change (usually do the European one). But I’m so unfamiliar with the Tropical flora, the experience is truly humbling. I feel like this is not really useful - in Europe I can often enough pinpoint a family, a genus or even a species. In Asia if I can sort out a “Dicot” or a “Monocot” it feels like an achievement…


The final few days of the year have started and I am still ~2300 IDs short of my yearly ID goal … lets see if I can manage.

I am therefore also doing some easier IDs (besides my ongoing Asia-project) for which I am just sending lots of already correctly IDed observations to RG-heaven… agreeing is much faster then improving for sure… but also a bit more boring


This looks daunting. I will pass

Plea for ID help