What would you do in this situation?
Which extinct animals are we talking about here? Is it epoch specific? To hear Neotibicen bermudianus calls, or see passenger pigeons flocking, or Carolina Parakeets nibbling at Bald Cypress cones would bring me unfathomable amounts of joy.
If every extinct animal ever, came back to life? Someone should write a book.
iNat them, of course.
Hmm, if our Hominid relatives such as Homo erectus or the Neanderthals re-appeared we might have to explain some possibly uncomfortable episodes from our past.
I’d be excited for the most part. Currently, there are over 200 freshwater mussel species that are endangered or extinct. That’s about double the current amount of extant freshwater mussels
like… if a velociraptor appeared in my garden and wanted to eat my dog? or what kind of scenario we are talking about?
sadly, middle europe is not exactly a good place for that. even, let us say, tarpan or aurochs herds would be a problem, no matter the cave lions.
I’d be squished among the many species!
Well, The Doctor and I are fans of the ITV series Primeval. My (our, really) reaction would depend on which extinct animal—or animals—came back. D would probably be delighted by a Hyaenodon or three, since he has a particular fascination with hyenas. Personally, I’d love a chance to quote one of my favorite lines from the series: “Now, err… everybody grab a dodo.”
I must agree with cassia that I’d iNat them first. But then… maybe open a theme park on a remote island off the coast of Costa Rica…
are they coming back to life underground from their fossils? If so i imagine they will just die again and no one will ever even know. I suppose some museums would have a few interesting incidents.
If we’re talking about animals like dinosaurs then I would hide under my bed for the rest of my life.
I would finally fulfill my lifelong dream of riding an apatosaurus to work.
nice dream
I would go looking for a baryonyx, and probably get my hand eaten trying to reenact that one scene from How to Train your Dragon lol
Consider that 99% of all species that ever lived on Earth are extinct the result would be total chaos. Multiplying the number of species on Earth by a factor of 100 … wow. Most of the extinct species that came back would be extinct again in short order. Large insects from the Carboniferous would especially die quickly as they need a 30+% oxygen atmosphere to be able to fly and thus survive.
But some of them would be invasive and displace currently living species. The world would also be much more dangerous for humans with all the dinosaurs and large mammals brought back to life.
Not to mention terror birds!
Is that % for all species, or just animal species?
All species. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extinction. A species might last between one million to ten million years, with many existing for shorter or longer periods of times.
Realistically? Get eaten by an extremely large reptile. Where I live, the odds of survival aren’t great haha
With that said, terrestrial crocodiles might be my favourite group of species, and being eaten might be worth it just to see one alive.
We’d also finally get drop bears. Which would definitely be worth celebrating!