iNat AI bizarre misidentifications/suggestions

if this is correct, then it seems like the CV suggestions from the upload screen are based on a cropped image but the CV suggestions elsewhere are based on full images. is the difference intentional? is the other CV workflow going to be updated to also operate on a cropped image at some point?

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yep this is correct, @carrieseltzer . the iOS fix was approved by Apple yesterday and will be rolling out to users in a phased release over the next week or so.

@pisum our goal is to standardize implementations across platforms. differences between platforms were unintentional and minimal, and the recent change to center crop instead of squash exposed some platform-specific preprocessing differences and we’re fixing them as we find them.


Don’t know if this is related, but I’ve recently seen a lot of CV suggestions, while posting observations or identifying on the website, that suggest the correct genus under “We’re pretty sure this is the genus:”, but then offer no species suggestion from that genus under “Here are our top suggestions:”. Even for a monotypic genus such as Prenanthella. Until recently the CV usually seemed to offer one or two species suggestions in the “pretty sure” genus at the top of the list.

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See this thread, with numerous examples of the same problem (including a lot I found)


Everyone should have access to the latest iOS app version (3.3.3). For those who were having issues with the iOS app previously, how is it working now?