iNat down for 5 minutes now (Jan 28 2021)

I was frequently hitting refresh, but didn’t get the new message until after I saw your post. I love it!

Just curious, what kind of maintenance has to be done on a website?

I just got a new message from refreshing: “502 Bad Gateway”.

Good news folks, iNat is back again !

It’s back up, but we’re still checking that everything is working as expected. Please comment if anything is not working as expected.


In case useful, I got an alert that I was missing media even though all observations had images They uploaded just fine so not a problem in the end.

That was because you missed identifying at least 2 of them, not that they had no media :)


Ahh, thanks!

Bottom of observation page lower than the photo takes some time to load.

p.s. Down again.

INat is down again

This is a short scheduled maintenance, shoring up the fixes from this morning.

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OK, back up and running now. Again, if you come across any issues, please report them and provide specific details. Apologies for the down times.


A post was split to a new topic: How do network members notify about planned downtime?

I’m just glad it wasn’t down when I was trying to use it (was middle of the night for me). Another problem I have is not remembering my forum password as I log in through inat so when that’s down I can’t log in here either (without bothering to reset passwords). :)

… and as to @cristinavillaverde’s query, I’m not aware of where (if anywhere) iNat staff publicise this. I do know n the past few weeks there were occasional outages at certain times of days where ID’d couldn’t be made (as the list didn’t pop up when submitting own or for other’s) and the server queue was apparently full. I indeed did go and do other (less productive) things.

Thanks for helping to bring it back up :)

Thank you to everyone who helped to fix the site. You rock! Even if you did not help thank you fot all you do :)

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