June 24, 2020, 7:26pm
i’m actually not an R person, but there are plenty of folks who have mentioned making things for iNat for and related to R (feel free to add to this wiki post, if you like):
Since you all were as excited about my last visualization about milkweed bug misidentifications as I was, I thought I’d share one I put together about invasive species.
This one takes a place_id and plots the introduced species as bubbles sized by the number of research-grade observations in that place. The colors correspond to the iconic taxon.
Bubble plots are a fun way to communicate biodiversity data, in my opinion, and can help you compare between sites at a glance.
The code for this visualization is here . It doesn’t handle huge numbers of observations super well, both in terms of speed and visualizations, so I recommend places with <50,000 total verifiable observations.
I am working on a R code to produce dashboards with plots, tables and others, to show inaturalist data on a web site.
Some examples can be found here (view results).
Code here .
A post from github I saw on twitter for making chloropleths of seasonal iNat observation data: https://github.com/alexkrohn/reptile-choropleth