Indonesia - iNaturalist World Tour

We’re featuring on Indonesia on the World Tour today.

Here’s the GADM Level 1 and Level 2 places we’re using. Thoughts on these places?

The site is only about 55 / 75% translated into Indonesian on Web / Mobile respectively. Would improving that help?

What can we do to get more Indonesians participating in iNaturalist? Anything we can do to get more divers engaged?

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So my regency map is wrong, it follows the old map before the regency being splitted
How can i edit the place?
Should i recreate a new place?
Here is the place link on iNat
Labuhan Batu

This is the new map
Kabupaten Labuhan Batu

The shape for Labuhan Batu is currently coming from GADM, which shows the old regency boundary:

I’m a bit confused though, because the map @loarie linked above for level 2 places correctly shows the split regencies:

These standard places can only be edited by staff, but it seems like the correct information exists somewhere, so I would guess that it wouldn’t be too difficult to change.

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These links don’t correct either
Our Kalimantan Timur province has been split into 2 province, Kalimantan Utara and Kalimantan Timur
Maybe the staff should take a look at this wrong map

Yeah, I’m still not sure where the maps in those github links are coming from, but iNat is correctly using the split provinces: Kalimantan Utara & Kalimantan Timur

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Place issue moved to