I just noticed the link I posted for the immature insects key starts about halfway through. Here’s a link to the start of the key
There is a RES guide to fly larvae available here, along with lots of other out of print keys for British insects
There is a little French book called Larves d’insectes de France, by Renaud Paulian, originally from the 50s and reedited a few times (the title might have changed a bit along with reeditions). The 20 or so plates give a good overview and are helpful to pinpoint to the order of family level.
For beetles, the whole Reitter’s Fauna Germanica is available online. The plates are still excellent and include quite a few of the larvae.
welcome to the forum, @romainclem!
Wow! This is so useful, thanks so much everyone. Haven’t been to the forum in a week or so and then I come back to all this excellent information! Thanks very much, greatly appreciated! :)
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