"Introduced" icon - change the (!) to an (i)

@kiwifergus said it all, natural expansion is not an introduction. Peonies if they stay at the place they were planted are considered cultivated. Some foreign plants are not adapted for climate they are planted, that’s why they don’t expand the range, others do it easily, and examples like Heracleum sosnowskyi, Solidago gigantea/canadensis, etc. show us how bad they’re for ecosystems they move in.
Duck do flourish on their own, Mallards are the cause of genetic problems with many native ducks in places where it was intorduced. Mallards flourish without human help, it’s a very flexible species that is not very selective to mates. And it’s an example of how flexible species are the most dangerous ones.

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Folks, please have a discussion about the effects of introduced species elsewhere. You can start a new topic in Nature Talk. This topic is about the feature request itself.


but maybe if i replace the US boundaries with a house icon, that might still convey a similar idea?

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I was thinking that the icon could be a ship or maybe an airplane, this could represent quite well that the species is not from that area and that it was introduced because of humans.

But maybe with the same color that the icon is currently.


I think everyone here is overthinking this. To me, an exclamation point merely means “attention” whatever the colour, and the relatively benign “Introduced in -----; arrived in the region via anthropogenic means” simply offers information that can be followed up on if the user is so inclined. I don’t feel it’s in iNats mandate to determine noxious/prohibited as a designation. That is up to the individual country/area to decide and deal with accordingly.


Totally agree. I don’t really care what symbol is used to denote Introduced, as long as it’s universally recognized. The letter i is not to me a universal symbol across languages. I don’t see what we gain by tinkering with existing symbols.


I suggest NOT using “+”or “I” for design reasons.

Plus sign + is commonly used in way too many apps (including iNat) as the “add another one, please” action. Using it a categorization symbol overloads it and will confuse users.

We’ve already discussed the translation problems with “i” but there’s another reason not to use it: iNat and many other apps use it as an action for displaying information. Maybe if that’s internationalized now, that would give us a clue how to internationalize an “introduced” flag.


We’re going to be leaving the icon as is for the foreseeable future.

Was this one accidentally closed?

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