Is There a Fossil Posting Site with a Phylogenetic View?

Now that we have an open thread about fossils again, I can ask about this.
So here’s the thing: when I go to my Dynamic Life List, I see this:

There is the fossil genus Exogyra, in its phylogenetic context with other bivalves. Now imagine if I had observed several genera of Gryphaeidae, as well as other families in the Ostreoidea. They would appear in their proper places as branches on the tree.

In forum threads asking about fosils, someone will usually recommend posting them to a different database focused on fossils, rather than iNaturalist. Is there a database for fossil observations that has a comparable functionality, that is, one that would let me look at my observed taxa in the form of a phylogenetic tree? This is my concern with being redirected someplace away from iNaturalist.

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Since this was on a fairly different topic than the initial post, I moved it to its own thread. I tried to title it with the main question, but feel free to edit.

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