Is there a tool / code snippet that allows downloading of taxonomy data from the site?

Yes, I’m aware of that.

I don’t think this is well-documented or generally known. See, for instance, the discussion between @pisum & I above, where both of us were under the impression that “inactive taxa” are how iNaturalist handles synonymy. Or this discussion, which popped up when I searched to see if the topic is clarified somewhere that I’d missed. Or the curator guide, which discusses synonymy in the context of taxon changes but doesn’t appear to mention the synonyms on the ‘Taxonomy’ tab.

Also, in the raw API output for “Boechera 64070”:


I don’t see it defined in a quick check of the API documentation, but it’s surely to be expected that people would interpret “current synonymous taxon” as having something to do with synonymy.

I’ve come to view similarities between iNaturalist taxonomy and the ICNafp as being, mostly, what in language learning you’d call “false friends”—there are many superficially similar concepts, but they don’t map onto each other in ways that are easily inferred or well documented. It’s a separate system that is best understood de novo rather than by analogy.

For instance, in the API output for Polemonium villosum, when an entry in the ‘name:’ list is marked ‘“is_valid”:false’ this means it is a synonym of the entry marked ‘“is_valid”:true’. However, ‘“current_synonymous_taxon_ids”:null’ means that there aren’t any associated taxon changes in the database. Understanding the ICNafp isn’t just unhelpful in figuring out what is meant, it’s misleading.

That’s probably a bit of a rabbit hole, though, sorry!

More pragmatically… if “taxon concept” is our central concept, well, how does one know what the taxon concept is? You can look on the Taxonomy tab, but “stare at it with your eyeballs” doesn’t scale well…

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