Is there a tool to transfer metadata to tags?

Is there perhaps a tool that allows me to automatically transfer the camera and lens model from the metadata on my photos to the tags for these photos? Or maybe there is already some way to view all photos of a certain lens model?

Maybe you could use Flickr or a similar platform specialized for photos to upload your pictures, then you can create your observations in iNaturalist by connecting your Flickr account to iNat, so you don’t have to upload twice…
That way you can do searches by lens model and more on Flickr “natively”, and still benefit from all iNat features.

The website uploader can automatically extract observation tags from the photo metadata. The specific metadata field used is the xmp dc:subject (which is a list of strings). Note that any string of the form key=value will also be converted into an observation field.

Many photo editors/organisers should provide some metadata editing, but they may not support all formats nor recognise all possible fields. By comparison, a command-line utility like exiftool will usually have much more complete support. This could be used to write a simple batch script to copy the camera and lens info into the subject field for all photos in a folder.

The basic syntax for adding subject list items would be:

exiftool -xmp-dc:subject+='My Camera Make/Model' \
         -xmp-dc:subject+='My Lens Make/Model' photo.jpg
    1 image files updated

And to view the changes:

exiftool -xmp-dc:subject photo.jpg
Subject    : My Camera Make/Model, My Lens Make/Model
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