Leading subspecies IDs should change the obs taxon like leading IDs of other ranks

To add my little two cents worth. As explained above, subspecies ids should change the obs taxon like taxons of higher ranks. To explain the issue going about, as I explained here.

If someone submits a obs with the id Class Aves or birds and I submit a Red-shafted Flicker (Colaptes auratus cafer) id, the obs will remain at class level. If I were instead to submit a species id or in this case, just simply Northern Flicker, the community id will be lowered to species level. And it’s my personal belief finding a flicker obs in the “Identify” page is easier than searching for simply “bird”. Those obs may fall in-between the cracks because subspecific ids do not lead.

I can see how this having status quo can help prevent subspecific ids for sole fact of subspecific ids. If we change the current implement, if an observer submits a species and I submit the subspecies, it would become RG at subspecies level without a supporting id. I see two solutions to this, one let subspecies ids lead only if the original id is genus level or higher, or after a subspecies id, the obs goes back to “Needs ID” in order to get supporting subspecific id.

And if subspecies cannot lead, why can a subspecific obs reach RG without a supporting id? Ever since March 2019, if an observer submits a subspecific id and an identifier puts a species id, like every other possible disagreement id you have to decide whether you disagree or not. Here’s the results of those choices.

I don’t know but I’m sure it’s (species taxon) – RG as the subspecies
No, but it’s a member of (species taxon) – RG as the species

Contrary to a species-genus id.

I don’t know but I’m sure it’s (genus taxon) – Needs ID at species level
No, but it’s a member of (genus taxon) – Needs ID at genus level

So I personally believe that we need to decide sooner than later whether or not subspecies ids get the same attributes and characteristics as other ranks or none at all.