Let's Talk Annotations

I encourage you to reconsider this point in light of the fact that the iNat team has elected to leave the “chaos of the Fields” alone:

There are many overlapping fields as pointed out on other threads, but some are useful and a standardized annotation may be a solution. I’m thinking specifically of a quant measure of the number of organisms. The “Count” field is my preferred example. It seems to be widely used and is simply, and clearly, named.

A benefit to this is that it would provide a single annotation/field that could also be exported to GBIF. There is a DWC field “individualCount” that seems like a natural home for a quantitative value like a count of organisms in an observation.

Which leads to the related question: are annotations going to be exportable, either by users, or to platforms like GBIF? please see this thread on the topic:

The Life Stage annotation is another example of something that can be mapped to the DWC field “lifeStage”.