Let's Talk Annotations

“Associated plant” and “Associated animal” would be really useful.

A companion annotation category, “Type of association/interaction,” could utilize kiwifergus’s excellent list posted at https://forum.inaturalist.org/t/observation-field-standardization-wiki/380/12 Mar 31

What would really, tremendously help here would be computerized importation of associated plant/animal species data from the tangle of observation fields that include a species/genus/family name of a plant or animal.

It might be best to add the interaction(s) manually. Why? Well, I currently add “nectar plant” to my Bay Area pollinator observations even when the associated plant does not produce nectar. I do this to help the coordinator of the “Backyard Pollinators Bay Area” project. The project started out using the pre-existing “nectar plant” observation field for all pollinator interactions with plants. It has too many observations done this way to switch.

An automated way to add the “nectar plant” species to an “associated plant” Annotations field would probably be very welcome to that project’s coordinator.