LGBTQIA+ and iNaturalist

Hey all. A lot of important things have been said here in the past week - so much so that I forgot what this thread was actually made for when we started it in 2021:

The iNaturalist Forum has a pretty narrow focus: iNaturalist, and some related nature topics. So we made this topic specifically for members of the LGBTQIA+ community (and allies) to introduce themselves and discuss their experiences with queerness, iNat, and nature - sort of as an extension to that original blog post and as a way for people to find each other.

(So far, nearly 5k people have joined the LGBTQ+ Naturalists project!)

A lot of people were brave and open enough to share their experiences, and it was great to see the support people were giving and receiving. As well as lots of discussion about queerness in the non-human world. :grinning: But it’s gotten off-track of late, and as the staff member who oversees the Forum it’s my fault for not keeping things hewing close to the original purpose of this thread. I apologize for that.

There are many places online to discuss broader LGBTQIA+ issues, and you can message other users directly if you feel the need to (but keep in mind that the Community Guidelines extend to private messages, and admins will investigate flagged messages) so let’s keep this one focused on its original aim. Posts made after this post that attempt to steer it into other territory will be hidden and the user will be asked to edit it.

If you want to get more actively involved in these issues in a political manner, there are many advocacy groups you can reach out to.

Thanks, and enjoy Pride Month!