Little interaction by the community

What I would suggest you do is try to offer more IDs for others’ observations.

First, because you need to model the behaviour that you want to see happen. Right now you’ve made 104 verifiable observations and you’ve offered only 16 IDs for others. Now imagine that you are the typical user. If everyone behaved the same way then, on average, only 15% of your observations would have IDs. But right now 56% of your observations are Research Grade, indicating that others are contributing IDs to your observations more often than that average.

Systems where some people extract more benefit for little effort and others constantly put in more effort for little benefit tend to not be stable in the long term.

If you choose to ID more stuff, start with something that’s easy for you and which you know relatively well that’s in your local area. Start adding IDs on others’ “needs ID” observations of those species. Don’t worry about being perfect. We all make mistakes.

Second, if you start to add IDs on others’ observations, it’s not uncommon for people whose observations you’ve ID’d to snoop around on your profile and sometimes they’re kind enough to check if you have something that they’re able to ID.

Editing to add a quote that kind of sums up the behaviour: