Macro lens for Nikon Coolpix P950

Hi all, does anyone know of a good macro lens for a Nikon P950 camera. I am new to photography and would like to learn how to take good insect photos. Thank you :face_in_clouds: :bug:

Raynox 250.

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Same answer. I could barely get the clip-on adapter on my Canon SX70 but it looks better for the P950. I bought step rings for mine for a more secure and aligned fit. I also discovered this weekend that I’ve been missing some performance. I was relying on the autofocus too much. I can get much more magnification by using manual focus or holding the shutter halfway to lock the focus and moving the camera. You’ll have to find the sweet spots for magnification and working distance. This is why I spent time this weekend learning and practicing some.

A brief discussion about P950 and the Raynox 250.
Gallery of images

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