Blueberries shouldn’t be a problem, they’re not invasive, and the flowers will attract pollinators, while the berries attract birds. (Plus they live forever… I have some that are 50+yrs. old.)
Glad you chose Serviceberries and Basswood! Serviceberries are a great native choice, the berries are attractive to birds, and Basswood will be wonderful for attracting pollinators. I have an enormous mature basswood that is my favorite place to observe bees. When it is blooming, it attracts many native species, especially bumblebees, and literally hums like a vast beehive. It is a joy to stand under. It also blooms fairly late in the season, so it provides nectar during the period between early spring trees and late summer/fall wildflowers.
Sorry I haven’t replied for a bit. @Smschnerremd I wouldn’t mind something like that, maybe in the future. @danly I chose the Basswood mainly for the pollinators. Indiana Native Plant Society shows all of the pollinators that should be attracted. It will also just give some variety around here. My next thing will be adding some plants around the walnut trees. They’re killing the Spirae bush they grew in, but its not native so I’m fine with it. I just think of it as easy plant control.
Last week I was pulling some mulberry saplings. There was a pretty thick stump by the concrete stands that I’ve been cutting for several years. I found out you have to take the roots out, or else it will just keep growing back. I tried to dig it out, but our little tractor couldn’t pull it. My dad had a guy with a backhoe dig it out while I was at work. It did some damage to some of the trumpet vines.
I just dug out three more mulberries, and trimmed the berry bush that’s growing up into the ash tree. I have a list of stuff for fall planting, just need to order it.