there are lots of ways to summarize and visualize this data. personally, i like the way BONAP gives you a bunch of species-level maps all together for a particular genus (ex. which tool you use depends on your audience and your skill level.
if you’re just making stuff for yourself, it’s probably easiest for most people to do this in a program like QGIS. if you want to get to state level and you don’t already have that associated with your coordinates, you can do a spatial join between your point data and a set of state polygons. from there, you could summarize that data as just a distinct species list per state and/or you could make a choropleth that shows species count by state. you can search the web for how to do most of this. this other thread ( might also be helpful, as it covers a few things that sound similar to what you’re trying to do.
if you want to make this for a larger audience, then it’s probably best to have some sort of web-based presentation of the data. i think any way you approach this, you’re going to have do some amount of coding to achieve what you’re describing. so i guess how you go about it just depends on how comfortable you are with different coding languages, etc.