Maternal spiders

I have a good pet grass spider, who decided to lay a whole family of eggs all over the corner of the lid. Whilst being very not - helpful position-wise, she has been guarding these eggs, and has never strayed from them for over a week and a half, not eating much, or drinking. Is this normal?

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Could be that many spiders have only one cycle and die after getting spiderlings, female doesn’t eat and in the end dies and is eaten by youngs (or dies after laying eggs).

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Yes, female spiders can be very caring towards their progeny. Depending on species, females can carry eggs and spiderlings with them, protect and feed for some time. Not all spiders die after having babies.

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I observed lynx spider on the plant after observing the spider for 1-2 weeks I was amazed to see why the spider was in the same place whole time, then I observe tiny creature which were spiderlings. But between this time I once feed her a live house fly and she attacked housefly covered with webs and then leave it on the leaf. So in that case they are the good mothers

Spiders are a hugely diverse group of animals, so it’s hard to make any generalizations about them, but a lot of spiders do actively guard their nests, often forgoing food in the process. Most spiders have multiple broods, so they don’t typically die after taking care of a single brood. Spiders can, however, survive surprisingly long without food (sometimes for weeks). Some spiders are famous for their excellent parenting. Wolf spiders carry their young on their back. The jumping spider Toxeus magnus feeds their young milk similar to mammals. I have no idea what grass spiders do! Let us know what happens!


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