Migration Madness 2024

Hey folks, every March I’ve put on a fun voting competition to see who’s the most popular North American bird. This is the 9th year I’m doing it, and I generally have a good turnout on the iNat forum. If you would like to vote, just follow this thread on a day-to-day basis, comment the birds you like, and I’ll like your comment to denote your vote has been counted. Here’s the schedule and the brackets:

March 15 — First Four (four games)

March 16-23 — Round of 64 (four games per day)

March 24-27 — Round of 32 (four games per day)

March 28-31 — Sweet Sixteen (two games per day)

April 1-4 — Elite Eight (one game per day)

April 5-6 — Final Four (one game per day)

April 7-8 — Championship (Two-day voting window)



    1. American Kestrel
    1. Black Tern
    1. Tufted Titmouse
    1. Spotted Towhee
    1. Red-breasted Nuthatch
    1. Sabine’s Gull
    1. Trumpeter Swan
    1. Dickcissel
    1. Cedar Waxwing
    1. Grasshopper Sparrow
    1. Swainson’s Thrush
    1. Gray Catbird/Bohemian Waxwing
    1. Eastern Bluebird
    1. Horned Lark
    1. Wood Duck
    1. Common Goldeneye


    1. Western Tanager
    1. Franklin’s Gull/Williamson’s Sapsucker
    1. Dark-eyed Junco
    1. Peregrine Falcon
    1. Violet-green Swallow
    1. Canyon Wren
    1. Osprey
    1. Cassin’s Vireo
    1. Tufted Puffin
    1. Black-headed Grosbeak
    1. Sandhill Crane
    1. Greater Sage-Grouse
    1. Northern Flicker
    1. Steller’s Jay
    1. Mountain Bluebird
    1. Snowy Plover


    1. Northern Saw-whet Owl
    1. Surf Scoter
    1. Black-capped Chickadee
    1. Pileated Woodpecker
    1. Evening Grosbeak
    1. American Goldfinch
    1. Bald Eagle
    1. Emperor Goose
    1. Harlequin Duck
    1. Spotted Sandpiper
    1. Ruby-throated Hummingbird
    1. Yellow Warbler/Golden-crowned Kinglet
    1. Lewis’s Woodpecker
    1. Common Nighthawk
    1. Snowy Owl
    1. Merlin


    1. Lazuli Bunting
    1. Verdin/Black-crowned Night-Heron
    1. Yellow-throated Warbler
    1. Carolina Wren
    1. Red-tailed Hawk
    1. Broad-tailed Hummingbird
    1. Vermilion Flycatcher
    1. Scissor-tailed Flycatcher
    1. Anna’s Hummingbird
    1. Gambel’s Quail
    1. Red-shouldered Hawk
    1. Northern Cardinal
    1. Great Blue Heron
    1. Hermit Warbler
    1. Burrowing Owl
    1. Ladder-backed Woodpecker

Previous Winners

  • 2023: Western Tanager
  • 2022: Burrowing Owl
  • 2021: American Kestrel
  • 2020: Harlequin Duck
  • 2019: Anna’s Hummingbird
  • 2018: Mountain Bluebird
  • 2017: Mountain Bluebird
  • 2016: Mountain Bluebird

Friday, March 15th is the first day of voting. Four games to be played today.

Gray Catbird vs Bohemian Waxwing

Franklin’s Gull vs Williamson’s Sapsucker

Yellow Warbler vs Golden-crowned Kinglet

Verdin vs Black-crowned Night Heron


Waxwing, gull, warbler, heron

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Catbird, Gull, Kinglet, Heron

(Look I love catbirds’ angry little MEHHHHH calls)

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Waxwing, Franklin’s, yellow warbler, night heron, please.

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Gray Catbird, Williamson’s Sapsucker, Yellow Warbler, Black-crowned Night Heron.

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Bohemian Waxwing, Golden-crowned Kinglet, Yellow Warbler, Verdin

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Catbird, Gull, Kinglet, Heron

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That time of year again.

Catbird, Williamson’s, Yellow Warbler, Black-Crowned

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Waxwing, gull, kinglet, heron

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Waxwing, gull, warbler, heron

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I’m going to start the March 16th matchups a little early, I’m chasing grouse tomorrow morning.

American Kestrel vs Black Tern

Peregrine Falcon vs Dark-eyed Junco

Evening Grosbeak vs american Goldfinch

Scissor-tailed Flycatcher vs Vermilion Flycatcher

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Kestrel, peregrine, grosbeak, vermilion

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Tern, Peregrine, Grosbeak, Scissor-tailed.

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Kestrel, junco, goldfinch, vermillion

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Tern, junco, grosbeak, scissor-tail

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Kestrel, Peregrine, Grosbeak, Vermillion

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American Kestrel, Dark-eyed Junco, American Goldfinch, Vermillion Flycatcher.

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Dark eyed junco
Vermillion flycatcher

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American Kestrel, Peregrine Falcon, Evening Grosbeak, Scissor-tailed Flycatcher

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