Missing image - old record

There are a small number of cases of photos like this that show up as “Processing…”. Many of them will be photos that were once hosted on third parties that are no longer accessible. A year or so ago we started to make local copies of third party photos and you may have received an email about some if we were unable to access the originals.

If you ever see a case like this for a photo of yours and you know you still have a copy of the original version, I’d recommend deleting the broken version and uploading the original again. At some point we’ll do another cleanup and will likely remove anything that remains broken.

As for the issue Jon was experiencing - photos that appear broken and cannot be resolved - some of those might be related to recent photo migration (see more info in this thread). Early in the process a few photos were updated with incorrect URLs. No photo files have been lost, rather some just had wrong URLs. I think I fixed all yours Jon. At the end of the bulk migration we’ll run an audit of all photos to make sure their URLs are correct and resolve to fix any remaining instances.

If anyone else notices broken images (images that don’t appear, not those that say “Processing…”) please let me know and I’ll look into it.