Here’s my summary of the past winter for me.
September 2022 - There are still some warblers around, and I see 3 lifers (sora, stilt sandpiper, & black-crowned night-heron)
October 2022 - At the start of the month the bugs are still around, and i see some cool fish. I try and fail to see a lesser black-backed gull. I go up to my cabin for thanksgiving with my family, I see a cute vole, a ruffed grouse, and a lone yellow-rumped warbler hopping in the yellow leaves of a tree. By the 13th it’s starting to get cold, I dip on two whooper swans at a rural reservoir when it starts getting dark earlier then I expected and I can’t see anything, I go again the next day to try to see it and fail. But I see 3 lifers (ring-necked pheasant, black-bellied plover, and snow goose). By the 16th it is getting pretty cold (still no snow) and I finally see the Lesser black-backed gull at Mallard point as well as the last Gadwall of the year. I have another trip on the 30th but see pretty much nothing
November 2022 - I go birdwatching two times in November. Mostly because of school. The first one was on the 6th at Bebo Grove, even with a huge puffy coat it was absolutely freezing due to the wind. I walked a lot and saw a sharp-shinned hawk for a split second, as I started coming back to the parking lot I started to feel very sick. I throw up in the parking lot. On the 19th a northern shrike lands in my yard and flies away before I can get a good look or a photo. The 20th is better with a trip to Carburn Park. I see a coyote which is awesome because I like coyotes a lot. And I see 6 lifers: Redhead which I am very excited about because I like them, Canvasback, Barrow’s Goldeneye, Cackling Goose, Tundra Swan, and a Lesser scaup x Redhead hybird.
December 2022 - I skip school on my birthday to go drive around the country east of the city to try to see a snowy owl with my mom. We see a snowy owl as well as 2 lifers for me (Horned Lark and Grey Partridge)
January 2023 - I spend new years with my family in a yurt winter camping near Radium in BC. It is very very very cold and I end up getting very sick while there. I think I saw 3 birds during the trip. A chickadee, a junco, and a crossbill. On the 15th I go back to Carburn where it is very cold. I see a brown creeper, the hybrid duck, and a wood duck
February 2023 - on the 5th I go to Griffith Woods, I see the first bohemian waxwings of the year, two early robins and two great horned owls. On the 12th I go to the Fish Creek Boat Launch, it is freezing cold and I see very little other than a merlin and some deer.
March 2023 - On the 4th I go to Carburn where it is very cold, there’s an early robin, and the usual ducks as well as some harlequins and buffleheads, the hybrid duck is gone. On the 12th I go to Elbow Dam where it is really really cold and I see a solitaire and a raven. By the 24th snow is starting to melt, but ice isn’t. I go to try to see a Eurasian wigeon, it isn’t there. But I see a lot of muskrats. I see a mallard trying its best to waddle across an icy pond, but it keeps sliding and falling on its bum. It is sad.
Mid march ‘‘Spring break’’
For “spring” break I go up to my cabin with my family. There’s less snow on the ground but it is still very cold and the lake is still frozen over. I see a lot of bohemian waxwings, some american goldfinches still in their winter plumage, male and female purple finches, and a bunch of usual birds. During spring break I visit the Keephills Cooling Pond which isn’t frozen over, among the ducks and geese braving the early “spring” there are some coots and three ring-billed gulls
April 2023 - It is finally starting to warm up but it’s still a little chilly. There is still ice on lakes and rivers but less snow. The gulls are back (with a rare Glaucous-winged gull among them) and so are some of the migrating ducks like the shovellers. By the 18th most ice and snow is gone in the city and it is spring, though everything is still dead.
I’m hoping to go out as much as I can (when there’s something to see) but I worry that High school is going to make that impossible. But I will try my best to find a way to juggle both.