New Computer Vision Model Released - August, 2022

Probably a bit late as answer but i presume the model works like this one

How do you compare between models ?
Is it possible to show the difference and achievements of the different models in a graph ? I thought in the past there was an article about it.
For example a graph for plants with model 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3
It seems that common species are better recognised than rare species

But i just do not understand the x-axis. The x-axis above is logaritm and shows the amount of species above this recognastion. As you can see the 80%, 20% rule applies. Is is easy to recognise 80% of the occurrences as those observations only contain 913 species. The remaining 20% of the occurences, observations contain about 2500 species. So the model already works good with a small but abondant amount of species in the model as these species are the abundant ones.