Notifications on iNaturalist - Please Share Your Ideas!

This was what I came here for (and a few other things). This is very annoying and it causes me to miss notifications on my dashboard because I see that observation and think, “Oh, I already saw that comment, I’ve already seen this part of my dashboard.” However, the update wasn’t for the comment but for my comment in return. Then I don’t keep scrolling on my dashboard and I miss new updates. I don’t get a notification at the top of my window (which is nice)—unlike when I resolve flags (which is somewhat annoying and also has already been addressed here).

@joaco5 I’ve wanted to do the same thing and I’ve done so by subscribing to a follower and unsubscribing from the notification when it pops up on my dashboard. Then you follow them and don’t get updates every time they post observations.

That brings me to another point: I’d like to be able to subscribe to a specific taxon from a user, not just everything they post.


I don’t understand. How do you unsubscribe from the notifications while still subscribing to the person’s observations? Do you mean you just unfollow each separate observation, or something else? Thanks.

My understanding of the issue was that this user wanted to follow another user purely because they were friends or they wanted to express some sort of camaraderie. Yet, they had no desire to be notified of all of the other user’s observations. For many, this defeats the purpose of following someone (I’ve only done it once) but it is nifty. It shows others who I admire without me seeing the 100 plants they observe every day. :) Note that this could be circumvented by subscribing to only particular taxa of a certain user if I had no interest in plants, but did have an interest in something else. If I was already following a user and I received this notification, I would click the gear in the upper right and click unsubscribe—but I’m still following the user.
Screen Shot 2020-04-13 at 11.57.48 PM


Thanks for explaining. I never even noticed that gear in the upper right before.

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I get notifications for updates to my own observations and also to observations I have suggested identifications for. But there’s nothing to distinguish the two. I’m not usually interested in notifications for observations I’ve added suggestions to unless I’m specifically mentioned. Is there a way to turn this off without turning off notifications for my own observations? Ideally, I could still receive both kinds of observations but they’d be reported separately, but I feel certain that would require a change request, and probably not a change likely to be implemented.

No, right now the only option for turning off some notifications is for turning off ones that match the taxon you suggested.

You can get some of this already. In your dashboard, there is a tab for All Updates (which would include notifications for both your observations and observations you’ve identified), but there’s also a tab for Your Content, which is only notifications on content you created. Probably that’s mostly observations, but it could also be things like flags and journal posts.

Also, if you’re using the Android app (and maybe iOS, someone else will have to confirm), there is a tab for your own content. I believe the “Following” tab is only in the Android app.


Any updates on the status of this project? Will there be changes anytime soon?

I agree. I lose track of the mentions and comments once I click on the drop-down and they disappear. It would be really handy to have a way to go see the ones I have not read yet. I also do the "open in new tab’ option. Just so I can see them and reply to them if needed.


Whenever I see a two-digits number of notifications, I open the iNaturalist app to first check in what catagory they fall, and then go through them step-by-step. When the number has decreased enough, I return to the website to check for the rest


If you want that list not to disappear - open notifications in the new tab, I regularly check long lists like that, the list stays on the first page, while you can do what you need on the next tab.


Maybe notification when my observation becomes 1st RG observation of that species in my country (cause that happened to me and I didn’t even know, just found out about it years after). It could be made like an achievement kinda thing. Or, in the same sense, notifiation announcing “You just get your 100th RG status observation”.
Also when I get RG on a species I haven’t observed before, aka new species on a life list, but I know life lists are a bit complicated.

Not really important for function but it could make observing a little bit more fun.

I would love to get notifications on the mobile app.

Also, I would love to receive and reply to messages on my phone.

Another thing would be notifications for the forum. I can go weeks without checking it.


Definitely someting we’ve investigated, but we want to get them right on the web first.

That is an open feature request:

This discussion is solely for the iNaturalist site itself. If you have questions/requests about the Forum, please go to You should be able to fiddle with your email notifications for the forum in your account settings here.

Right now I have about 575 notifications whether on my desktop or iPhone. Even after I read them and/or comment to them they still remain in the count. Is this a temporary phenomenon? Thanks!

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i just got this notification on an observation (

i had to think about it for a while, since megachile clearly added the field to the observation, but the notification shows kimberlietx for some reason. maybe this kind of message can be adjusted to be less confusing…

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There’s an open bug report here:


Someone just asked me if I new of a possibility to include information into the daily email notification if ever new observations would be added to a specific project during that day.

The project concerned is one collecting data about Neobiota in Luxembourg, and the idea would be to gt a notification if a new occurance would be recorded and added to the collection project.

I get hundreds of notifications a day. I do not have time to look at all of them. I only look at a few categories:
-identifications for which the identifier or observer makes me think they would be interesting.

Unfortunately, if someone leaves a comment for me in their identification, I cannot see it in my notifications and it will be ignored by me. Would it be possible for this to show up as a separate comment and identification in the notifications (or something similarly informative) to help tell the difference without opening every single notification? Or does anyone have other suggestions regarding dealing with this issue?


Do you already have agreeing ID notifications turned off in your account settings?


Turning agreeing identifications off might help. I get, on average, with agreeing identifications off, 30-50 notifications a day: most are tags or IDs on my own observations.